Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year, New Ideas, New Addiction, New Blog

It's been recommended to me (time and time again) that I should blog.  Or blog more.  I have had a blog for a few years now about my children and have let it get wayyyy out of date.  My excuse?  I was busy...with the KIDS!  My husband and I have five children: 3 girls ranging from 13-18 and two boys, 7 & 8.  However, throughout the day (and night), my creative juices flow non-stop!  Additionally, my desire for creating beautiful environments and lasting memories for those close to me will never cease.  Those ideas mixed with a love for writing are the perfect culmination for this blog and my new year's resolution of continuously blogging about my two happy places: my kids and the finished results of the abundant creative ideas constantly spinning through my head.

Thank you, God, for Pinterest. 

I described Pinterest to someone as an underground social network for creative people with an addiction to well, being creative.  It's truly inspirational and a creative outlet beyond anything I ever imagined this world would have.

When my husband and I attended holiday parties last year, I was politely reprimanded for starting every conversation with, "On Pinterest, I saw..." or "Oh my goodness!  That reminds me of something I saw on Pinterest yesterday!" and my all time favorite..."Please let me take a picture of that so I can pin it!"

Hope you enjoy my blog as much as I enjoyed doing the things I blog about.  Maybe it will give you inspiration you've been needing and allow you to visit your happy place too!

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